Since the inception of the Illinois Defense Counsel (IDC) in 1964, the organization has striven to advance the interests of the defense bar by ensuring civil justice with integrity, civility, and professional competence. IDC recognizes Law Day as a day to reflect on the rule of law and embraces the Law Day theme of “Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change.”

The Constitution is a powerful blueprint for the government but also sets forth avenues for change. For the promise of the Constitution to be fulfilled for everyone, it needs to change to reflect changes in our nation.

This does not mean we abandon the Constitution but instead use our voices through Legislation, court rulings and amendments to transform this amazing document into something more relevant to our ever-changing times and desire for a “more perfect Union.” Like our Constitution, IDC is continually evolving while also upholding our integrity and civility.

IDC has fought to preserve the rule of law by testifying in front of the Illinois legislation regarding proposed bills that would tip the scales of justice. IDC has testified before the Illinois Rules Committee regarding changes to Ill. Sup. Ct. R. 206(h) to ensure that parties and representatives can determine how they choose to conduct remote depositions.

In 2019/2020, we added a much-needed Diversity Committee to educate our members and offer tools to ensuring civil justice for all. Our speaker series ”Diverse Thoughts on Diversity” and “Women Legal Leaders” feature judges and attorneys, young and old, addressing topics that can be uncomfortable to talk about yet are very important to discuss.

Diversity in the legislative, executive and judicial branches of our government just touch on how the Constitution and our nation are changing.

We have our first female, Black and Asian-American vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris. The Supreme Court has more female and diverse Justices than ever, more than 23 percent of the legislative branch is racially and ethnically diverse, and 149 women are serving in the 117th Congress.

IDC is honored to celebrate Law Day and encourages everyone to reflect on the Constitution and ways to advance civil justice for all in our ever-changing nation.