Voices from the legal world are essential to the American discourse now more than ever. Legal professionals are, in many ways, the guardians of our democracy. Our democracy is under attack now more than any time in my life. Every one of us, regardless of political beliefs, must stand up and use our privilege to fight for the survival of our democracy.

Legal professionals, including lawyers and judges, provide expertise, uphold principles of justice and rights, interpret legal precedents, advocate for diverse interests, ensure accountability, foster debate and, of course, promote the rule of law within society. Several of those legal functions are of special importance at this moment in time:

• We play a vital role in safeguarding individual rights and liberties enshrined in the Constitution and laws of the United States. Our perspectives help ensure that discussions around policy decisions, social issues and governmental actions remain rooted in principles of justice, fairness and equity.

• We often serve as checks on governmental power and ensure accountability within the legal system. Through litigation, advocacy and legislative efforts, we work to hold public officials and institutions accountable for their actions and decisions.

• Our voices reinforce the importance of the rule of law as a cornerstone of democratic governance. By upholding legal principles and advocating for the fair and impartial administration of justice, legal professionals help maintain societal order and promote respect for the law.

It is vital that we all stand strong and speak out — the future of our democracy literally depends on it.